Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Hire a Web Designer

How to Hire a Web DesignerHow to Hire a Web DesignerIf youre trying to hire a web designer in the current competitive market, you know how challenging it can be. As companies continue to invest in their digital footprint, demand for web designers has increased.Demand is relatively high, says Sarah Bass, The Creative Group division director in Cleveland, Ohio. Although most clients are looking for well-rounded digital designers and not just web designers.Eric Kimble, branch manager in Denver, Colo., agrees Theres very high demand here, but were not hearing the title web designer as much. Kimble says clients instead ask for UI or UX designers, visual designers, interactive designers or digital designers.Given the high demand and potential broadening of the role, how do you hire a web designer?Here are some tipsDefine what you needIts important to define the parameters of the job youre hiring a web designer for so you can create a focused job description - that way, youll attract the b est qualified candidates.Kimble suggests considering the goal the organization has for the position Is it to help create a product? Is it to create brand-related deliverables? Is the job strategic in nature? Is leadership required? Your job description and the type of web designer you need will depend on those answers.Elizabeth Ledbetter, vice president and metro market manager in St. Louis, Mo., adds The supervisor the new hire will be reporting to is the one who should identify key details for the role and job description, as well as evaluate candidates and choose who joins their team.START HIRING NOWHire a web designer with the right skillsOnce you have a clear idea of everything the position will entail, focus on the skills necessary to be successful in the role.Kimble suggests seeking someone with a strong portfolio who can demonstrate visual mastery of their craft. Consider what qualities you require for your project and review each candidates resume, asking questions such as Does the person have the right industry and technical knowledge? Who are their past companies and clients? Does their resume demonstrate consistency, or is this person bouncing from job to job? If it is just a contract or project, does the candidates experience demonstrate an ability to start and finish a contract or project on time and on budget?Bass says many of her clients look to hire a web designer proficient with Adobe Creative Suite, HTML and CSS. She adds that they also need people who are comfortable with responsive design and have a good understanding of UX best practices.Bass recently placed what she considers a top candidate Theres a particular digital designer that my clients always like because she has a diverse background in both agency and client work, a clean portfolio and is as flexible as she can be in meeting client needs.Ledbetter says some top skills that her clients seek when they hire a web designer include having a demonstrated understanding of www design is sues, including browser usability, cross-platform compatibility, color and quick loading of images. They also need fluency in graphic illustration and user interface design, usability principles and mobile strategies, as well as in-depth knowledge of design software and authoring tools such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, HTML5 and CSS.She adds that ideal candidates for a web designer role have a strong understanding of design principles (space, color and typography), UX knowledge or experience, a diverse portfolio and a variety of digital exposure (social media, banners, ads, websites and mobile).The best candidates have incredible portfolios and have had a variety of clients, so they can adapt their design style to a client or company, says Ledbetter.And dont forget soft skills Bass says the best web designers she places are easy to work with, possess strong communication skills and have nice personalities. Kimble concurs, describing his best web designer candidate as extr emely likable, a good person, humble and someone you like being around. Ask the right questionsOnce you understand the skills necessary for the job and have created a clear job description, youll want to develop some questions to ask every candidate - and for consistency, compare their answers. Here are some examples of questions you can ask a web designerWhat industries have you worked in?Do you have in-house or agency experience?Have you worked on a similar project (to the one youre hiring for)?Have you used (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.), and do you have examples of work using it?What do you do when you disagree with a colleague about how to approach a project?Describe a challenging work situation or project and how you handled it.What project are you most proud of and why?How do you handle criticism?What is your creative process like?Next, when reviewing a web designer candidates portfolio, you can ask How were you involved in the project, concept and execution? Is this your wo rk alone or did you collaborate with colleagues?SEARCH JOB CANDIDATESGet compensation rightIts important to offer a competitive salary when hiring a web designer because theyre in high demand. According to the The Creative Group 2019 Salary Guide, the midpoint salary for a web designer with average experience is $67,250. A web designer who has taken UX, UI or web development courses or has certifications in those areas could receive $101,500 or more, depending on their location and level of expertise.Where to find candidatesLedbetter says some of her best candidates come from referrals and recruiter networks. Attending local networking events and AIGA events are also great ways to find strong talent.Because supply is lower than demand right now, we cast a wide net and find candidates through many different channels, says Kimble. These might include industry job and candidate boards, college campus events and even networking at nontraditional places, like cookouts, elevators and happ y hours. Because recruiters are so well-connected and their network is vast, using a staffing agency is also a great way to hire a web designer.Missing out on a candidateLedbetter says she sees clients missing out on qualified candidates daily In this job market, if you like someone you must make a move. Strong candidates have multiple job offers, so you need to not only move fast, but offer a competitive salary, perks and opportunities for career growth.Kimble also sees clients miss out on web designer candidates regularly, often because a firms vetting process is too slow.Bass agrees Despite the current market conditions, we still run into clients who insist on adhering to their own process. She says clients either wait too long to provide feedback on a candidate, or they bring in a candidate and want to interview them multiple times before making a decision. The candidate often accepts another job before the interviews are concluded. In the majority of those situations, the clien t loses the candidate they were most interested in hiring.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Ways to Name the Right Salary Range

5 Ways to Name the Right Salary Range5 Ways to Name the Right Salary RangeYouve made it through several rounds of interviews for a job that you really, really want. You can just feel that the job is yoursuntil your potential employer asks the question that can possibly make or break your chances of scoring some new geschftlicher umgang cards with your name on them. How much do you think youre worth? Knowing how to name the right salary range can be tricky.Depending on your previous work experience, skill level, and yes, your confidence level, too, you might not know how to answer. Ask for too much, and you can kiss the job goodbye. Ask for too little, and you might wind up working for far less than you could actually be making and what you truly deserve.In the article 5 Smart Approaches to Take When Youre Asked to Name Your Salary, the fine folks at The Muse tackled this very tough question. If youre unsure of what to say, here are five ways to name the right salary range- and get th e job that you want.Do your research.Its one of the most important steps to take during your job search, and few job seekers actually do it finding out what the going salary rate is for the type of job youre applying for. Sites like and have salary calculators that can help you get an idea of what youre worth to a potential employer. Just make sure youre looking at salaries for the location that youre in (if youre looking for a flexible job, make sure that you factor that into your calculations).Be quiet.Youre anxious for your job search to end and to finally be employed. So when the hiring manager asks you how much you want, you might start babbling a whole lot of unnecessary information, including a low-ball salary rate. Instead of talking first, its a good idea to try to not volunteer too much info and let your potential boss do the talking. You never know he might mention what the previous person in the position youre applying for received, and you can base your salary requirements off of that.Max it out.When trying to figure out the right salary range, its perfectly acceptable to ask a hiring manager what the top figure (i.e., the ceiling) would be for the position youre applying for. The reasoning is this once you know what the max would be, you have a starting point to work from. And from there, you can build up from the bottom (i.e., the floor), factoring in how much money you would need to live on each month. You may find that youll settle on a figure somewhere in the middle between your floor and your potential employers ceiling.Be flexible.Sure, having a cushy salary is super important, but so are other work perks that money cant buy. For starters, if your boss-to-be allows you to work from home at least part-time, you can calculate how much youll save in commuting costs, pricey lunches, and business attire (not to mention how much time youll save not having to commute into an office each and every day).Other benefits that can help make up for a lackluster salary include generous vacation benefits, excellent medical and dental benefits, retirement options, a stipend for clothing or reimbursement for school tuition if youre planning to go back to school, etc. All of these work perks can cost a pretty penny, so if your company is willing to shell out the money for them, it can make your salary seem much sweeterInvest in your future.As you searched for a job, you were looking for specific job titles and applied to those that matched your previous work experience and skill level. But that doesnt mean that you have to stay stuck with that same job title, particularly when your potential starting salary is a little, well, low. Ask the hiring manager if your job title can get an upgrade.Why is this important? Beyond getting a little mora respect from your colleagues, and potentially changing your pay grade, having a snazzier job title can be a great investment in your financial future, particularly when you look for your next job. By already having a more senior-level job title, it ensures that you can get a much higher salary in your next position.Negotiating the right salary range is important, no matter what position youre applying for. Be open-minded and be prepared to ask for what you truly deserve in order to be happy with your job and its salary.Readers, do you know how to negotiate the right salary range? Do you have trouble asking for what you want in job interviews? Let us know in the comments section below

Friday, December 20, 2019

The First Questions to Ask On the Job

The First Questions to Ask On the JobThe First Questions to Ask On the JobYouve outgrown new-kid jitters the first days in a senior position are no time to clam up.Youve been out of work for months.You got the interview.You nailed the interview.You got the job.You cant screw up.You have to hit the ground running.Now what?Now, ask the questions you didnt, or couldnt, ask during the interview. The ones that will help you do everything from effectively managing your budget to knowing what to wear on Fridays. Its also your chance to find out about the culture and personality of the company at a level of detail that would have appeared presumptuous to ask during the interview phase. But job seekers still need to respect protocol and mind their manners in approaching their future co-workers and managers, experts said.The first thing I would tell people is keep it positive, said Cheryl Palmer, a certified executive career coach and the founder of Call to Career. For example, ask a co-worker , What do you like most about the babo? Dont ask, What do you hate about the anfhrer? When youre first starting out, you want to be on good terms with everybody.Veterans of the organization are also likely to be suspicious of newcomers digging for dirt, she said. Those who know the ropes dont want to be seen as being negative about the company or the boss or anything else, Palmer said. The best thing is to keep it positive, and people are more likely to want to answer your questions.One particularly thorny issue for new hires is how to deal with internal candidates you beat for the job, some of who you will need to work alongside or manage in the future. Kelley Rexroad, founder of KREX Consulting, a human-resources consulting firm, recommends new hires identify any internal candidates whom were overlooked in the hiring process and reach out to smooth feathers you wouldnt otherwise know were ruffled.You want to be sensitive to their feelings and hear their ideas, she said. The person could feel passed over, think you are making more money than they are. Without that knowledge, you may feel a cold shoulder and wonder why. You can win over the person with something like this I understand that you applied for this role. What about it interested you? Then engage him or her What do they think will be tough to do? What do they think the priorities are, and what do they want to work on now? It may be possible to turn that person into a successor in the future.Lisa Quast, president and founder of Career Woman Inc. and a certified executive coach and author, recommends new hires reach out both to their new boss and new co-workers.Ask your new boss about goals and objectives but also about what keeps her up at night. I like to find out what worries my boss the most so I can determine creative ways to help alleviate her worries, such as through new projects, improving processes, etc., said Quast in an e-mail to Ladders. Companies look for employees who add value, so try t o find creative and inspiring ways to show how much value you can add.Quast suggests asking co-workers what they are working on and how you can help. This will give you a good picture of the projects being worked on by individuals, as well as projects that are larger in scope and being worked on by many within or even outside the department, she said.What not to wearOf course, in addition to goals and objectives, you also want to know what to wear on Fridays. Many of the experts interviewed by Ladders said its important early on to engage your co-workers in a discussion about the corporate culture.Linda Matias, author of 201 Knock-out Answers to Tough Interview Questions The Ultimate Guide to umgang the New Competency-Based Interview Style, suggests digging to find out what type of personality succeeds with the company.Every organization has its own culture, she said. Team members with certain personalities may get noticed more often and receive promotions. Armed with this informat ion, you can assess whether or not you will naturally excel in the company or if you have to flex your personality style.Angie Maizlish, president of First Impressions and a certified professional resume writer and certified employment interview professional, said success in a new position requires a plan of action. This, she said, requires a list of good questions and a notebook and pen (or a BlackBerry or iPhone) to record the answers.Some of the questions Maizlish suggests areWhat do you want me to accomplish the first week? Second? Third?Where do you see me one month from now?What tools do I need to be familiar with to be successful?Do you have a mentor program?To whom do I address questions? What is the best way to communicate those questions?What method of communication do you prefer? Do you have an open- door policy, or is there a set time during which I can direct any questions?What are the top three goals for me this quarter?Can I eat at my desk?Where is the bathroom?Findin g the right answers to all of these questions (especially the last), will go a long way toward ensuring a smooth start in your new job.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Pitch a Great Resume With Our Sales Associate Resume Template for Word

Pitch a Great Resume With Our Sales Associate Resume schablone for WordPitch a Great Resume With Our Sales Associate Resume Template for WordIntroductionThe first step to having a successful job search is providing hiring managers with an extraordinary first impression. A resume that is written and formatted correctly and features significant skills, experience, and accomplishments is much more likely to catch the eye of an employer than one that is spoiled with spelling mistakes and irrelevant information. Use this schlussverkauf associate resume template for Word and additional helpful information to learn the best way to create yur resumes summary statement, skills, work history, and education sections.Sales Associate Resume Template for Word Karen EdmundsPhiladelphia, PA 11111E T 555Experienced sales associate with 90 percent sales closing rateStrong persuasion techniques and communicative skillsAdept at customer service and order processingPerfect Your Skills SectionYour resumes skill section is your chance to show off your best and fruchtwein relevant skillsets. As you can see from our sales associate resume template for Word, this part of your resume should utilize bullet points and short phrases so it can be skimmed through easily.To really stand out among many other applicants, it is a great idea to emphasize your suitability for the position by including skills that you see in your desired jobs description. Write them exactly how they appear in the job listing to ensure your resume passes any applicant filtering systems employers may use.Check out this list of desired skills within your industry, and use whichever ones are applicable to the job to which you are applying.Service orientedPersuasion and negotiationCritical thinkingTime managementPolish Your Work History SectionYour resumes work history section is where you communicate to potential employers what you have already achieved throughout your career as well as what you are p rofessionally capable of. It is important to detail both your typical responsibilities and special achievements, as you can see from our sales associate resume template for Word. When crafting this section, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind. Be sure to use a dynamic action verb to begin each line, and list your prior positions in reverse chronological order. Use facts, numbers, and percentages whenever you can to measure your accomplishments, and especially emphasize previous work that is most relevant to your desired job.Look at the following examples of sales associate work history sections Sales Associate Queen Bee Beauty Products Philadelphia, PA 7/2013 to PresentProvide friendly customer service and help customers find products they are looking forProcess orders quickly and efficiently and advise customers on order delivery, warranties, and return policies of every product purchasedDisperse material on sales, discounts, and reward programs to gain additional custome rsClose sales successfully with 95 percent of customersSales Associate Youngs Youth Supplies Philadelphia, PA 5/2010 to 7/2013Increased the companys yearly profits by 20 percent with innovative promotions and pitching campaignsMaintained an organized and visually engaging store floor to promote goods and make buyers feel comfortableExplained benefits of products and answered questions concerning proper usage and specific featuresAdjusted communication and sales pitching according to customers styles and needsRefine Your Education SectionMany positions require specific educational qualifications, so it is important to have a concise list of your academic achievements and degrees. Dont overlook this part of your resume, and adhere to the following guidelines to successfully create your education section.Begin your list with your highest level of education and proceed in reverse chronological order. Include your high school diploma if it is the only education you have received, but exclude it if you have a college degree. Dont worry about mentioning your GPA unless you recently graduated, but do mention relevant certifications, professional development trainings, and academic honors. For help, refer to our sales associate resume template for Word and the example below. Sales Associate Education Section ExampleNational Association of Sales Professionals, Certified Professional Sales Person 2010University of California at Irvine, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 2009

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to be a more empathetic leader, from executives

How to be a mora empathetic leader, from executivesHow to be a more empathetic leader, from executivesNo matter how many degrees you earned or subjects you master, there are some skills that are best learned through experience. As professionals develop their careers and rise to leadership positions, some demands of management are second-nature, while others may take time to fully cultivate. One of the most overlooked but most important qualities of leading a team of people is empathy.As the chief talent officer of MONO Julie Vessel explains, an empathetic leader means you see people as, well people. Not as consumers, employees or clients - but as human beings with emotions, ideas, values, and opinions.Empathetic leaders look at all things through the context of people people who have feelings, lives, aspirations, struggles, strengths, and imperfections, she continues. To an empathetic leader, people are bedrngnis just a resource to be managed or optimized.Rather, they understand tha t people are the most valuable astischset in a company. And like anything valuable, they see the importance of understanding, protecting, nurturing and building the value of that asset. Its personal.Maintaining budgets, remaining organized, providing constructive reviews and being generous with salaries and other perks is all part of your job description, which might make you wonder why adding another requirement is so essential.Jim Ayres, the managing director of Amway North America explains this interpersonal proficiency allows you to forge stronger - and more meaningful - connections to those around you, based on trust and understanding. Not only does this making working more enjoyable, but it helps employees to invest more deeply in their jobs because they feel supported. And inevitably, this means a higher level of performance.For 2019, make empathy a top priority. Here, 9 executives share their best strategies for getting startedCreate customized employment packagesWhile cre ating streamlined interviewing and hiring processes allows your company to bring on new people quickly, the same old offer letter and benefits explanation shouldnt be divvied out to every single person. One of the ways to start an employees experience with your company out on an empathetic foot is to evaluate their unique needs from the moment you invite them to join your company, according to Lindsay Myers, the founder of Concrete Blonde Consulting.Take the talents priorities into account when putting together employment packages. Different people value different assets, she explains. One person may want flexible hours while another cares more about vacation time.Realize that taking peoples feelings into account isnt a one-size-fits-all solution. People are individuals and treating them as such will ensure stronger outcomes.Take a long-term perspectiveExecutives are not only moving at a heightened pace, but they have a finger or toe in nearly every part of the business. This makes any type of disturbance to workflow feel like a catastrophe at the moment, which can yield some negative reactions. Though it can be difficult when youre pressed to meet goals right now, CEO and cofounder of ChairmanMom Sarah Lacy urges leaders to see the long-term perspective. Especially when an employee is faking a crossroads or a difficult period, emphasizing with their situation will mean prolonged commitment.If an employee needs to, say, take an extended leave, its easy to see that as a drain on resources. However, not having to replace that employee will almost always save you more time and money, she gives as an example. Be there for your employees and theyll be there for you. This goes two ways though- good employees also understand what you need. It has to be a give and take.Surround yourself with diversityPart of being able to not only recognize but understand where your employees are coming from is welcoming diversity into your workplace. Anticipating and attracting a lar ge set of customers, after all, requires you have many people on your team who can speak to a demographic background, economic statuses and so on.Seek out a diversity of experiences in life, and recruit people with diverse perspectives to be on your team. They will help you uncover your blind spots, identify fresh opportunities and solve problems in innovative ways, said Christine Andrukonis, president and founder of Notion Consulting.Cultivate interpersonal relationshipsYou might believe you know each of your direct-reports but how often do you meet one-on-one with each of them? Do you know whats happening in their personal lives, including recent celebrations or changes? Ayres explains maintaining old relationships while forging new ones is critical to being an empathetic leader. He suggests scheduling consistent meetings will help to solidify your relationship.Every Friday, I choose a different employee to invite to breakfast - often selecting those I dont see or interact with o ften, to kick off the day, he continues. Being an effective leader means building strong relationships with those you lead and developing a thorough understanding of their needs.This is an easy way to gain useful and sometimes surprising insights, which can help you become a more informed leader.Work to understand other peoples prioritiesChelsie Lee, the cofounder and CEO of Shipsi, challenges leaders to go through a short exercise to identify some of their empathetic blind spots. First, she says to think back to your first job and list what your top three priorities were. Now, think of your next gig, and do the same. The point of this practice is to realize depending on your stage of life and career, your deal breakers shifted.Each person on your team could be coming from a completely different place. Pay attention to that as you interact with them, she continues. Though someone might go on and on about something you dont care about, or urgently call for something incredibly last-m inute - understand where they are coming from. Realize and be thankful.Notice its because they actually give a damn about that project that might seem tiny to you, but its a mountain to them.Give people your undivided attentionThe last time you sat down with your marketing lead, what were you doing? Well, meeting with your marketing, lead right? Probably not. In fact, you likely checked your phone, maybe read some emails, or zoned out thinking about something else. Vessel shares part of being empathetic is giving your employees your undivided attention when youre meeting with them.Leaders cant truly relate, understand or empathize if theyre distracted or disengaged. If it doesnt seem like you care, its likely that your people wont care as much either. If you rush and arent engaged, they likely wont be either, she continues.So, she recommends stepping away from your phone and laptop. Dont think about your to-do list, and focus on who is sitting in front of you. All these little thin gs show you care about them and what they have to say, she adds.Listen first. Speak secondAnother part of empathetic leadership? Following that rule your grandma suggested many moons ago and remember you have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Or as the CEO of Globoforce Eric Mosley shares, listen first - and speak second.Communication is essential to understanding the feelings of others, yet the fast pace of business today, despite all the technological advancements designed to bring us closer together, can sometimes hinder our ability to connect with others, he shares. Listening attentively allows you to fully absorb information, process it, and develop a meaningful response.This also means you dont need to go into instant problem-solve mode when your team is facing any issue. Give them support and assistance as they explain their struggles and you can work through it together - rather than speaking over them.Be cognizant of how your words and actions affect peopleWhile listen ing will go a long way, you definitely cant lead a company without, ya know, talking. But when you choose your words to employees, many executives are unaware of how personally and intently they take them to heart, according to the CEO of Basis, Andrew Chapin. Especially when you arent being your best self.You may be having a bad day or be frustrated by something, but how you act in response reverberates across your team, he explains. Being dismissive of someones input or not being engaged in a one-on-one meeting can have huge second-order effects on morale and productivity.Ask questionsEven if youre no a bonafide journalist, theres a lesson you can learn from their way of doing business questions are meaningful. In fact, cofounder of Thirty Madison, Steven Gutentag explains when you inquire within a conversation, it illustrates youre invested.Part of active listening is watching body language and listening to whats not being said. That helps me ask better questions and be a more ac tive partner in a conversation. This also helps in building a stronger rapport with everyone on my team, which has helped build more powerful bonds across the company, he explains.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Top Resume Styles Tips!

Top Resume Styles Tips Again, you would like to make certain that your resume is readable. If you wish to be a graphic designer, you can showcase your graphic design abilities. You may adhere to a chronological Acting Resume Samples if you would like to present your experiences from starting to end. Furthermore, make sure your resume is formatted well. A great deal of times people would just like to update a resume with a different appearance. Too many individuals make the error of thinking that a resumes purpose is to receive them a job. If anyone should realize your experience in a rush, its possible to just send them a hyperlink. Whether youre looking at getting the job that you dream about, or you are thinking about how to create a true splash when you start job hunting, you will discover that your resume will be an important job search tool. Understanding Resume Styles Where To Get Additional Help There are lots of sources of information about how to compose the best resume. In using Twitter, you will need to be certain that your website is totally functional and represents your talents well. Youve collated all of the information that has to go in your resume. It would be quite simple to send important info to the wrong individuals. Just take a peek at our choice of creative resume templates to get inspired, and select the creative resume style you enjoy. Selecting the proper font can look to be an impossible undertaking, especially since there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. Ultimately the decision is yours. Making the correct choice in regards to resume styles is something thats very important. New Step by Step Roadmap for Resume Styles So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to think of a sensible estimate for what you may expect. At the start of Alexas career, her advertising degree was one of her very best selling points. Educational i nformation is included together with certifications and exclusive skills. Chronological resumes have a tiny trouble organizing diverse abilities and experience. Top Resume Styles Choices There are lots of resources on the web to help you compose your resume and thousands of free resume templates that could allow you to get started. If you opt to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. You can readily locate resume-builder software online that provide functional resume formatting templates. Your resume should also contain links linked to your LinkedIn account and other similar professional websites. There are a number of different trends of resumes used to make an application for job openings. In truth, it is even portrayed in how their resumes are finished. There are some common kinds of resumes, and were likely to evaluate when (or if) you ought to use every one of them. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look a t our totally free downloadable templates. The Chronicles of Resume Styles Doing this may just set you in addition to the pile of resumes for a position. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilised to secure new employment.The job, the business, and the institution proved leid the correct fit for me. If you dont think you find it possible to write an outstanding bartending resume then dont 2 With an increasing number of people going into the workforce, the job search has gotten more competitive than ever. For each work application, pick the layout that most represents you in the context of the job that youre applying for. The Pain of Resume Styles Ask yourself what message youre attempting to send the employer as you choose which style is most effective for you. In any field wherever your personality or skilled appearance is a central part of the job, a photo is a great way to demonstrate that off. Theres more than one type of resume style b ased on the employment situation. No matter which style you decide on, use action words to demonstrate you will take action at work. Also attempt to learn the name and title of the person who will review your resume. No matter which format you select, you will need to thoroughly plan which sections to include, which keywords should have top priority, your general design and fashion, and obviously, writing great narrative. In addition, there are a few instances of cover letters.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

What New Employees Want During Onboarding - Spark Hire

What New Employees Want During Onboarding - Spark HireWhat do new employees want during their first days and weeks at a new job? What do they want during onboarding? First of all, they probably want you to not call it onboarding. Initial employee training can make or break an employees overall experience with your company that initial experience shouldnt feel like a crash course in human resources lingo and paperwork. A recent study found that 86% of new hires decide whether to stay or leave a company during the first six months of employment. Further, 69% of employees are more likely to stay longer than 3 years with effective onboarding.So, what do new employees want during onboarding? They want to be talked into staying with your company for a while. Here are some specifics on how you can accomplish that in the first days, weeks, and months following a new hire.On the first day of work, a new employee wants to feel welcomed. Think back to all those first days of school, and what yo u were concerned with. Anyone who has been a new employee recently can vouch that the necessities are pretty much the same. You want to know where to go, when to go there, where to sit, what to eat for lunch, and where you can find a pen/paper. ansicht are very basic new employee needs, and successful onboarding begins with meeting these needs. On your employees first day, s/he should have a schedule, a fully stocked workstation, and lunch provided. Introducing your new employees around the office is also a great first-day activity. Name-learning is an age-old form of employee training.During the first week of work, that schedule you had on day one will become more important than ever. New hires want to be kept busy with new employee training, and as many basic tasks as they can handle at this early stage. Employee training is a given during the onboarding process. Get the most out of your training by combining it with real tasks that new employees can work on in their first days at the company. You could even provide homework tasks for employees to complete, as follow-ups to their employee training.During the first weeks, into the first months, of work for a new hire, dont forget to check in periodically to see how s/he is doing. The onboarding process will certainly slow down after the first few weeks (depending on your company), but its a mistake to forget your new hires later on down the road. New employees may still feel new for a while, and they may want additional training or guidance up to a year after their hire date. In Michael Watkins book, The First 90 Days, Watkins claims that it takes about 6.2 months for a new hire to produce more than it cost to train them. This means that onboarding shouldnt stop after the first few weeks if you want to treat your employees like the investment they are, that is.What were some of your successes with onboarding new employees? Let us know in the comments.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What to Do When Youre Second-Guessing a Job Offer - The Muse

What to Do When Youre Second-Guessing a Job Offer - The MuseWhat to Do When Youre Second-Guessing a Job Offer Look at you with that snazzy new job offer After weeks (or maybe months) of searching, youve become a pro at finding the names of hiring managers, writing personalized cover letters, and, of course, mastering the interview process (first, second, and third round, thank you very much). And then it happens Youre offered the position.As skilled in interviewing as you are in mulling over the finer points of an offer, you take a couple of days, and then you accept. The job is yours Life is grand. Or is it?As you inch closer and closer to your first day of work, you abflug to totally freak out. Did you make a hasty decision? What do you really know about the company, anyway? Why didnt you apply to more jobs? Interview at more places before getting to this point? Why did you accept without talking to your friend Renee, your Uncle Mitch, your buddys little sister, Victoria? What have you gotten yourself into?The anxiety is suddenly fast and furious, and you begin to believe that you made a terrible decision that cant be reversed.If this situation sounds familiar, there are two key things worth remembering One, you probably didnt make anything even remotely resembling a terrible decision. And two, if you did, it can in fact be reversed.Lets talk about the first point for a minute. If you were excited when you received the offer, try to conjure that feeling. Remember what it felt like hearing that this company chose you after learning about your skills and experience and meeting you in person. What youre probably experiencing is cold feet. It happens when we see big changes in our future. Change is scary. Almost always. Do your best to not let this (absolutely normal) fear taint your anfangsbuchstabe enthusiasm. Consider reaching out to your supervisor with a friendly email. Ask what you can expect on your first day or week, and let that information settle in. Yo u might be feeling out of the loop (you get an offer, you accept, then you wait- sometimes just a few days, but often weeks- to start), and it could boost your spirits to connect with your future place of employment beyond the initial acceptance. Connecting with your future colleagues online is another idea to get you enthused about your new gig. Retweet something, like an Instagram photo, or reach out on LinkedIn. You might also try psyching yourself up by Googling the company and reading up on recent press. Coming across a flattering piece about the founder or the companys innovative perks is bound to get you pumped. If, like me, youre someone who values a good list (and your excitement isnt stirred by trying one of the tactics above), go ahead and make one Write down all of the reasons youre second-guessing the job. It could be anything from Im worried that the commute is going to suck to Im not sure I took enough time off between jobs, to Im not 100% sure this is the best move.G et it all out, and work through each and every one. Most of them are probably related to that good ol cold-feet factor. Youve got nerves. Its a big step starting a new job with all new people in a new building at a new desk, but youve got to go with your gut. And if your gut welches screaming yes when the call came in, thats all you really need to know. Quell your chaotic mind, and get ready to begin the next chapter of your career.If, on the other hand, you cannot recall any initial excitement or enthusiasm and truly believe you rushed to a decision, then you have a little more work to do. Deep down, does it feel like you said yes because someone (a parent, partner, friend, or recruiter) pressured you into it? Are your reasons for concern valid (e.g., since accepting, youve received numerous emails from your future boss instructing you to basically start working without getting paid)? If you made a list and you arent able to cross most things off as being silly, nervous anxieties, then you very well may have made a bad decision- the wrong decision- and you need to get out of it. While its not terribly common for people to accept jobs and then renege on the offers, it does happen every now and then. Its not going to be the most comfortable thing in the world to rescind your acceptance- and you may unfortunately burn a bridge or two- but itd be worse to let the company invest in your orientation only to have to jump ship a week or month into it. Youll need to think long and hard, but if you conclude that you made a mistake in accepting, just know that you wont be the first one to bow out before the first day. Make sure to read Lily Zhangs advice for what to do when you have to renege- as well as a few tips to help make sure youre never in this boat again. Either way, trust that whatever you decide to do will be the right thing for you. If you accepted and stick with your decision and it works out, youll hardly remember second-guessing yourself. And if you reneg e, well, youll survive. You always do.Photo of nervous man courtesy of Shutterstock.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Yale School of Management Receives Alumni Gift of $8,888,888

Yale School of Management Receives Alumni Gift of $8,888,888Yale School of Management Receives Alumni Gift of $8,888,888The Yale School of Management started off the new decade well Lei Zhang, a 2002 MBA graduate, pledged $8,888,888 to the business school primarily for the construction of the business schools new campus. A percentage of the donation will also go to scholarships for the Yale international relations program through the Jackson Institute of Global Affairs. Mr. Zhang worked for the Yale Investments Office after graduation and before starting his own hedge fund, Hillhouse Capital Management Ltd., based in Beijing.Mr. Zhangs donation is special for two reasons. First, it is the largest gift in Yale SOM history. Second, the number eight is believed to be lucky in Chinese culture, making $8,888,888 a particularly auspicious number.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Military Retirement Pay After Divorce

Military Retirement Pay After DivorceMilitary Retirement Pay After DivorceIn a military divorce, there may be up to three separate jurisdictions where one can file for divorce the legal residence of the military member the legal residence of the spouse and the state that the servicemember is stationed in. Servicemembers do not change their legal residence merely because they move to another state. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, (SCRA) allows servicemembers to live in one state, yet claim another state as their legal residence. The same is not true for the spouse. The spouses legal residence is usually the state he/she is currently residing in. In order to file for divorce, however, in most cases, the part would have to establish minimum residency requirements, ranging from three months to six years. Additionally, most states have laws which allow a member or spouse to file for divorce in the state the member is stationed in, even if the member or spouse are not residents of tha t state. Many states even exempt a minimum residency for military divorce actions. For example, Airman Joseph Tribbett is stationed at Travis Air Force Base, in California. Joes legal residence is in Nebraska. He has been separated from his wife for a year. Jill has been living with her parents in Denver, Colorado. Either party can file for divorce in California, Nebraska, or Colorado. Sometimes it is advantageous to review divorce laws of the different states which may have jurisdiction before deciding exactly where one should file for divorce (However, keep in mind that if you file in a state other than where you are actually residing, this will require travel for court appearances, etc.) teilen of Retired Pay In the late 1970s and early 1980s, various state courts began to treat military retired pay as community property, often awarding a portion of the pay to the former spouse. One such case from California finally wound its way through the federal courts to the Supreme Cour t, who ruled in McCarty v. McCarty, 453 U.S. 210 (1981), that federal law did not allow retired pay to be treated as joint property. In its decision, the court was very clear that division of military retired pay was not necessarily unconstitutional, but that current federal laws (at the time) prohibited treating military retired pay as joint property. In response, Congress passed the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFSPA), in 1982. This act allows state courts to treat disposable retired pay either as property solely of the member or as the property of the member and his spouse in accordance with the laws of the state court. Contrary to popular belief, there is no magic formula contained in the act to determine the appropriate division of retired pay. A state court can divide retired pay in any way it chooses (subject to the laws of that state). For example, it would be perfectly legal for a court to divide military retired pay 50/50 for a marriage that only laste d two months (again, subject to the laws of that state). A state could also decide to award a majority of the retired pay to the former spouse if the state laws allowed such a division. Conversely, a court may also choose to treat retired pay as the exclusive property of the military member. However, in order for the Department of Defense (DOD) to make direct payments of a military members retired pay to the former spouse, the following guidelines must be met The ex-spouse must have been married to the military member for a period of at least 10 years, with at least 10 years of the marriage overlapping a period of military service creditable to retired pay.Direct payments will not be made for division of retired pay in excess of 50 percent (If there is mora than one divorce, its first come, first serve no more than 50 percent will be paid asdivision of retired pay For example, if a court awards ex-spouse number one 40 percent of retired pay, and another court awards ex-spouse numb er two 40 percent of retired pay, DOD Finance will directly pay ex-spouse number one 40 percent and will direct pay ex-spouse number two 10 percent). Disability pay is not subject to division as property. It is subject to garnishment for alimony or child support, however.Alimony orchild supportcan be paid in addition to the division of retired pay. In this event, DOD Finance will not pay over 65 percent of an individuals disposable retired pay for property division and alimony/child support. In other words, lets say that Joe and Jill were married for 12 years, but only 8 of those years were while Joe was in the military. The state court awards Jill 40 percent of Joes military retired pay. In this case, Jill cannot apply to have DOD pay her directly because there was not a 10-year overlap of the marriage to Joes military service. Joe, however, would be responsible for paying Jill once per month or face possible consequences from the court. If, on the other hand, Joe and Jill had been married for 12 years with all 12 years overlapping Joes military service, Jill could request DOD Finance to pay her portion of the retired pay directly to her. Jurisdiction Over Retired Pay One very important provision of the USFSPA is often overlooked, even by experienced attornies In order for a state court to have jurisdiction over a members retired pay, the courtmusthave jurisdiction over the member by His/her residence, other than because ofmilitary assignment, in the territorial jurisdiction of the courtHis/her domicile in the territorial jurisdiction of the courtHis/her consent to the jurisdiction of the court Lets bring our distraught Joe and Jill back into the picture. Assume Joe is stationed in Californiabut claims Nebraska as his legal residence. Jills legal residence is in Colorado. If Jill files for divorce in Colorado, the court would not be allowed to divide Joes military retired payunlessJoe consents to the jurisdiction of the court (assuming the couple had no j oint-residential ties in Colorado). If Jill files for divorce in California (where Joe is stationed), the matter is more complicated. Regardless of legal residence, if a court determined that California is their home, not just a residence of convenience (i.e., due to military stationing), the court could assume jurisdiction over the members retirement pay, regardless of consent. A servicemember whose family has bought and lived in a home, established church and community affiliations, educated and raised children in the state, might well be considered domiciled there even though they have maintained a legal residence elsewhere. Whether the duty station state courts have jurisdiction, absent consent, is a question that must be resolved on a case to case basis.